Webinar: Rebuilding and Enhancing Trust in Algorithms Policy

Webinar: Rebuilding and Enhancing Trust in Algorithms Policy

When: Jun 3, 2021 16:00 London

ISOC UK England invite you to a Webinar focussing on the presentation of the policy implications and recommendations based on the outcomes of the EPSRC funded ReEnTrust project. ReEnTrust was a collaboration of the Human Centred Computing Group at the University of Oxford, the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute (AIAI) at the University of Edinburgh, and the HORIZON Digital Economy Research at the University of Nottingham ReEnTrust: Rebuilding Trust in Online Algorithmic Systems.

Focusing on AI algorithms and large scale platforms used by the general public, the research questions included:

  • What are user expectations and requirements regarding the rebuilding of trust in algorithmic systems, once that trust has been lost?
  • Is it possible to create technological solutions that rebuild trust by embedding values in recommendation, prediction, and information filtering algorithms and allowing for a productive debate on algorithm design between all stakeholders?
  • To what extent can user trust be regained through technological solutions and what further trust rebuilding mechanisms might be necessary and appropriate, including policy, regulation, and education?

A recent invite-only event was organised last week by the Project Leaders with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Data Analytics. The results were so impressive that they merit being shared more widely – thus this Webinar. Algorithms control everyone’s experience of the Internet – it is time that you find out how and learn what needs to be done to mitigate this problem.

Main speaker: Dr. Ansgar Koene, University of Nottingham.

When: Jun 3, 2021 16:00 London
Slide deck used by Dr. Koene

Recording of the Session

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