Join the Society

The Internet Society promotes and develops the Internet for everyone. The Internet Society (ISOC) is the organisational home of the Internet Engineering Task Force  IETF  and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), working to promote an open Internet through standards, education, information and research and The Internet Foundation .

The Internet lies at the core of almost all aspects of human life today.  The importance of the Internet means it must be non discriminatory as an infrastructure to serve applications and services not just for today but ones’ which our current generations have not yet imagined, which means it remains vital to being open to facilitate human choices backed by human laws and governance.

This is increasingly complex arena. As much of the governance pressures that dominate media and policy circles are caused by behaviour of some applications and services rather than the underlying Internet when the Internet’s necessary general openness is abused by closed and often proprietary publishers and hosted services.

ISOC global membership

Gain access to Internet Society conferences, educational events, and other unique opportunities. As a member of the Internet Society you also have the chance to be a part of an incredible network of fresh-thinkers and advocates for a sustainable, healthy Internet.

ISOC UK England discussions

All UK interested members of ISOC can also choose to join the UK England list. It is not automatic so if you want to participate in local activities and mix with like minded people and participate in developing this chapter please sign up after joining the global list at the ISOC site linked below

Join the Internet Society and this Chapter 

The Internet Society of England was founded in 1999 and has initiated many prestigious and informative activities and events. The chapter  has over 2000 supporters who contribute and learn from each other to make the Internet an open and user centric medium for Everyone.

Joining the chapter list is easy just sign up by joining ISOC above and selecting the UK England chapter. We are not currently charging membership fees.

You can find out more about ISOC chapters here.

Discussion Lists

The UK chapter runs discussion lists for the community.

Policy list is for Internet Policy discussion focussing specifically on UK Internet Policy Issues join here.

Universities A mailing list for university and student activities can be joined here.

Open-Trust discussion list is a project list used by researchers and policy makers interested in Trust online and can be joined here.

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