Headlines October 2001 to September 2002

Headlines 3 October 2001

ISOC England members volunteer assistance for the US Internet infrastructure following attacks.

Offers are flooding in to help our Internet colleagues in the USA on the “offers of help” exchange web-site, put together mainly for the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) list who were being sent a large number of help offers to their mailing list.

The site built by Rob Pickering of Redbourne is using the same XML technology as the new ISOC England website.

People with specific networking skills who are available to help with network re-building or general Internet infrastructure, should pleasesign up here.

Vint Cerf writes “Information is the torch of truth and its free flow is the bloodstream of democracy”

Dr. Cerf co-inventor of the Internet Protocol and Chairman of the Internet regulatory organisation ICANN wrote to Internauts everywhere whilst stranded in Chicago following the attack on the USA on 11th September.

Internet Master Engineering Lectures looked at fault line issues of the Internet

The August meetings of the IETF in London saw a series of Master engineering lectures that looked at a number of the major challenges which face the evolution of the Internet. The lectures are available here.


Internet has middle age spread

During the IETF plenary session in London in August, Steve Deering of the IAB  proposed slimming down the IP layer to an “hourglass figure” as the correct architecture for the Internet’s Internet Protcol layer.


(register now)

Europaeum “Democracy & the Internet ” Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford University
26th September 2001.

This high profile event will consider the impact of the Internet on democracy and democratic action. The keynote address will be given by Tim Berners-Lee, Principal Research Scientist at Masachusetts Institute of Technology, Director fo the World Wide Web Consurtium (W3C), and the inventor of the World Wide Web. ISOC England has been asked to provide nominations for invitations to this event. Please register your interest at our events page.


27th September 2001 A one-day conference produced by Spiked

An Internet Societal Task Force activity in England

Don’t Blow IT produced by Spiked will cut across current assumptions, and get beneath exaggerated perceptions of change and risk to see what we can really do with IT now and in the future. Premature disaffection with IT could mean that we squander its genuine benefits. This would be a tragedy. By broaching the gap that exists between perceptions and technological actuality, Don’t Blow IT will be a crucial step towards envisioning IT’s true potential.


Internet Societal Task Force

Technology and social issues are linked by ISOC through a new organisation, The Internet Societal Task Force (ISTF).


News from Montevideo meetings

Headlines June 2002


ICANN Reform Consultation opens in the UK

The DTI have written to the Internet Society asking for submissions from the Internet community in the UK on the ICANN reform process underway. The submissions need to be made in writing by 14th June.

Information on ICANN consultation in the UK


ISOC England partner Internet World and Next Tech conference.

The new event for the next generation of IT covering storage, webservices, outsourcing and networking. It’s a dedicated event with a
strategic free conference, worth £795 and free exhibition – 11-13th June 2002, Earls Court, London. Register now for FREE on www.nextecheurope.com”


INET 2002

The Internet Society’s major global Internet conference 18-21 June, 2002 – Washington,DC. The world’s premier Internet conference.


ISOC Election candidates for the chapter seat nominated.

The ISOC Nominations Committee has announced the three candidates for the chapters seat on the ISOC board of trustees for 2002 elections. Candidates bios and statements have been published.

The implementation details for the new governance model agreed at its last board meeting during the IETF meeting in Salt Lake City December 2001.

Letter from ISOC President Lynn St. Amour and Chairman Brian Carpenter to chapter Presidents.


ISOC England launches Newsletter.

The first issue of ISOC England’s Newsletter has been issued in January 2002. Featuring News, Introduction of the Board and two feature articles; The mutual beliefs at the centre of the Internet evolution by Christian de Larrinaga and Internet and Opting out, or in… or was it out ? by Rianne C. ten Veen and an ISOC England Member’s 60 seconds survey


ICANN DNS Security Report

In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, ICANN is making a sustained effort to devote energy and resources to security matters relating to the Internet’s naming and address allocation systems. Thisdocument provides background on that effort, summarizes the assessments made at ICANN’s recent meeting on DNS security, and details the next steps to be taken by ICANN and a range of its constituent organizations.


The “Internet Report” is launched

The Internet Report carries daily and weekly summaries of the current developments within the Internet Engineering Task Force’s Internet Standards activities from the very home of the standards activities. The report covers drafts of proposed Internet standards, protocols, and other related issues under consideration by the IETF.

Top 20 Internet Security threats and what to do.

The Sans Institute’s latest list offers detailed prioritised information on the top security threats which Internet users need to be aware of and take active steps to protect themselves from.


Webarchive 8 Dec 2002




ISOC England’s Breakfast Briefings @ Burson-Marsteller

The global debate about the future of ICANN, initiated by the ICANN President in February this year, comes to a head at the Annual Meeting being held in Europe for the first time, in Amsterdam, on 14th and 15th December 2002.

ISOC E’s first breakfast briefing brought together members, senior knowledge leaders and members of the UK business community to discuss reform of the ICANN piece of global Internet governance. The speakers were Adrian Pinder, Assistant Director for Global e-commerce policy in the Department of Trade & Industry, and UK Government representative on the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee; and Catherine Gabay, Director of Innovation & Research at MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France), the French equivalent of the CBI.

A digest of the briefing is available here



The ICANN Domain Name Support Organisation Names Council Report and Recommendations on WHOIS Accuracy and Bulk Access, reporting on 30 November 2002 concluded…

WHOIS is an important resource to users, ISPs, governmental users, intellectual property holders and the intellectual property community, and to registrars. Yet, and not surprisingly, some questions related to WHOIS are controversial. Several questions still deserve addressing. These include privacy issues; the cost of maintaining accurate data; who should have unlimited access; what uses are “legitimate”, and many more.

The Report’s authors seek comments by 8 December 2002



ICANN has also posted an action plan for adding three new gTLDS to the world root server system. Public comments are invited, submit them before Dec. 10, 2002 to gtld-plan-comments@icann.org

Groups that submitted applications in 2000 will be permitted to update their applications, and ICANN will allow others to submit bids. According to Stuart Lynn, the dilemma is choosing between “market forces” and attempts to adopt a “taxonomic” approach to rationalize the DNS. Will 2003 see the completion of a successful application by the promoters of a .travel gTLD and by mobile telephony operators for .mobi?



All Party Internet Group to hold public inquiry into the retention of and access to communications data for law enforcement purposes

The All Party Internet Group (APIG) is to hold a public inquiry into all aspects of communications data retention and the subsequent access to that data from a UK, European and global perspective. The inquiry will primarily focus on the enforcement of the powers contained in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and the Anti-Terrorism, Crime & Security Act and their subsequent effect on communication service providers.

ISOC England will give written evidence by the 5 December 2002 deadline.




The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) welcomes the recent statement from Europe’s Data Protection Commissioners rejecting the current proposals for mandatory data retention by phone companies and ISPs.

The UK and other EU governments have put forward proposals to force ISPs and phone companies to stockpile many years of customer records, on the off-chance they will be useful for police surveillance. This data would include catalogues of web sites visited, records of e-mail recipients, lists of telephone numbers dialled, and the geographical location of mobile phones at all times they were switched on.




Towards an Information Society for All
Speech by Vint Cerf, Chairman ICANN, Senior Vice President WorldCom Marrakech Morocco, 28 September 2002

It is at once poignant and ironic that we are drawn together today by technologies that have the potential to divide us. Our thoughts of a global and ubiquitous information infrastructure are troubled by concerns that the evolving Information Society may not be accessible to everyone. The Internet Society’s motto is “Internet is for Everyone” and this international forum extends that notion in its title: “Towards an Information Society for all”.




INTERNET MANAGEMENT Limited progress on the ICANN privatisation project makes outcome uncertain.

Written testimony of the Director Physical Infrastructure Issues, Peter Guerrero, The US General Accounting Office to a US Senate Committee and Sub Committee dated 12 June 2002-12-02

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