“Parliament meets Internet. Surveillance, the digital economy & the Open Internet.”

5-7pm, Tuesday 4th March in the Grimond Room, Portcullis House, Parliament
Parliamentary Sponsor Julian Huppert MP
Reception sponsored by Afilias


The proceedings were recorded and linked below

View on YouTube: Video
Transcribe on AMARA: Amara
Audio: Audio
Twitter: @ISOCUKEngland | #parlietf


Renowned experts in Internet Standards, Technologies, Policy and Institutional development debate the emerging trends of the Internet for the UK in the mother of Parliaments at Westminster.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is meeting for only the second time in London during the first week of March. IETF defines the Standards that make the Internet. The IETF considers “pervasive monitoring” similar to other security problems in the Internet. The IETF is working to strengthen Internet technology to better defend against this type of attack.

Parliament has asked the Intelligence and Security Committee to beef up oversight of Surveillance and is asking for evidence for its current inquiry on the legislative framework on privacy and security. What is the technical dimension on these issues? What implications emerge from a better understanding of these dynamics for legislators in a digital world?

This will be a unique opportunity to engage legislators and the Internet technical community on these issues. No technical knowledge is expected. Some political and technical know how will hopefully be transferred.

The event will be followed by a reception kindly sponsored by Afilias.

NO remote participation is available so please register


Introductions – Christian de Larrinaga for ISOC UK England

Moderator Matt Warman – Head of Technology – The Daily Telegraph

* RT. Hon George Howarth MP Labour MP for Knowsley- ISC Member – Parliamentary oversight & Surveillance

* RT. Hon Dr. Julian Huppert MP – Liberal MP for Cambridge

* RT. Hon David Davis MP – Conservative MP for Haltemprice and Howden

* Jari Arkko – Chair of the IETF – Internet technical community views on pervasive monitoring

* Dr. Ian Brown – Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, Oxford University – Is asking for a balance between privacy and security the right question?

* Kathy Brown – CEO The Internet Society – Internet Governance in perspective – Open for everyone.

* Dame Wendy Hall – Professor of Computer Science Southampton University – The Web Observatory – Data for Everyone

* Nick Pickles – Director Big Brother Watch

Response by Parliamentarians & interventions from the floor

including Sam de Silva (Manches) The Law Society, Stephen Farrell IETF and others

Video by Olivier Crepin-Leblond – Chair Internet Society UK England

Reception by kind sponsorship of Afilias – organised by Desiree Miloshevic – Internet Society UK England


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