ICANN/UASG Campaign on Updated Internet Standards

The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) which has been working to facilitate that all domain names and corresponding email addresses work in all applications, has asked for this community’s help to voluntarily spread the word about Universal Acceptance. The Group includes Apple, Google, ICANN and Microsoft.

So what is “Universal Acceptance”?

  • Since 2010, non-Latin characters, Top-Level Domains (TLDs) longer than 3 characters (e.g. .ASIA, .онлайн, etc.) and corresponding email addresses (e.g. иван.сергеев@пример.рф, etc.) were introduced.
    • This is significant because it allows the creation of gTLDs in non-Latin scripts including Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, Tamil, and many others, meaning that native speakers of those languages will be able to use the Internet entirely in their language for the first time.
    • It’s hoped this will play a part in bringing the next billion people online.
  • The Issue: the Internet standards have changed but the software, devices and systems have not caught up.
  • This results in new domain names and email addresses being denied service or proper functionality online.
  • The Solution: ICANN and the UASG are trying to reach IT professionals, developers and system architects to alert them to the importance of Universal Acceptance. This a technical compliance process that ensures that all domain names and email addresses can be used by all Internet-enabled applications, devices and systems.

Please spread the word about Universal Acceptance in your organisation!

For more information, three papers have been written, that dig deeper in the topic of Universal Acceptance:

1) UASG101 – Introduction to Universal Acceptance – http://get.uasg.asia/docs/UA101-Intro-2019-03-20.pdf

2) UASG102 – Email Address Internationalization (EAI) – http://get.uasg.asia/docs/UA102-EAI-2017-05-17.pdf

3) UASG 103 – Programming Language Hacks – http://get.uasg.asia/docs/UA103-Hacks-2019-03-20.pdf

If you want more information about the Universal Acceptance Steering Group or want to join its working groups, go to http://uasg.tech

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