ISOC UK England Elections – call for candidates to submit Statements of Interest (SOIs)

Dear ISOC UK England Colleagues,

On behalf of the ISOC UK England Elections (Nominating) Committee, it is my pleasure to announce that we will now start the process of election of Officers to four (4) seats on the Executive Council of the Internet Society UK England Chapter.

Together with the four seats held by the members of Internet Society UK Limited, these constitute the ISOC UK England Executive Council, a leadership team to continue supporting ISOC’s missions.

Following the bylaws, the Elections Committee (aka Nominating Committee) was appointed last week after a public call for volunteers and is made up of 3 ISOC UK England members, selected randomly from the pool of candidates that volunteered (using a public Randomizer at, plus 3 members of other Internet Society Chapters from a pool of people who had volunteered form other ISOC Chapter elections plus one non-voting Chair and 2 observers:

Chair: ISOC France: Sébastien Bachollet

  1. UK England: Dereje Kassaye
  2. UK England: Dominic Pinto
  3. UK England: Shehu Abubakar
  4. External: ISOC Puerto Rico – Eduardo Diaz
  5. External: ISOC Quebec – Pierre-Jean Darres
  6. External: ISOC Germany – Peter Koch
  7. Observer: ISOC Staff TBC
  8. Observer: Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond (Chair ISOC UK England)

Election / Re-election of Chapter Officers for the Executive Council

There are four positions open for re-election on the ISOC UK England Executive Council.
Currently only two seats are filled with candidates who have reached the end of their term but would be eligible for re-election:

– Louise Marie Hurel – eligible for renewal after her 2 year term
– Nigel Titley – eligible for renewal after his 2 year term

Two seats are vacant. 

You might notice if you do some research that both Louise Marie and Nigel actually held their seat for 3 years, but we have counted the COVID year out altogether as we were prevented from normal operation as a society. So, both candidates are eligible for renewal for another 2 year term.

All our members are encouraged to come forward to take up leadership positions.

What we look for are Leadership qualities, communication skills, willingness to spend as much as 5 hours a week on an average depending on the significance of the Chapter Officer position, willingness to take up commitments including some statutory commitments, excellent networks in the UK and beyond and experience of the key areas and priorities of the Chapter as well as the Global Internet Society.

The Chapter Officer positions are voluntary and NOT compensated.

Chapter bylaws are posted here.

To be eligible as a candidate to the election you must have renewed your membership prior to Monday 16th of January 2023, 23:59 GMT.

First time candidates are hereby asked to submit a statement of interest (SoI) and the serving Officers are asked to submit a report of their contributions together with a statement of interest.

Please submit a brief Statement of Interest (SoI) addressed to:

covering the following:

a) Your profile information including information about your affiliation to other Business / Civil Society / Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations in brief
b) Year (and the exact date if available) of Joining Internet Society as a member and Internet Society UK England as a Member
c) Reasons for your interest in the Internet Society and your motivations in serving as an Officer of the Internet of the  Internet Society UK England Chapter
d) Your contribution to the programs of the Chapter so far
e) Positions held earlier and your contribution to the Chapter as an Officer if applicable.

Please send your Statement of Interest by 16 January 2023 before 23:59 GMT. Submitted Statements of Interest will be published on the ISOC UK England Website for transparency. 

The Election Schedule will then proceed as:

– Closing date for candidates to submit their Statement of Interest (SOI) including all their details to be shared (CV, credentials etc.) by Monday 16th of January 2023 before 23:59 GMT
– Date for sending a recap email with all candidate details to the ISOC UK England mailing lists: Friday 20th of January 2023 before 23:59 GMT
– Date of on-line conference call if needed (if more than one candidate for a position): Week starting the 30th of January 2023
– Date of Election Start: the day after the call
– Date of Election End: Friday 10th of February 2023 at 23:59 GMT
– Date of Results published: Monday 13th of February 2023
– Challenge Period: from Monday 13th of February 2023 until Sunday 19th of February 2023
– Confirmation of results: if no Challenge, Monday 20th of February 2023

Article VII of the Chapter’s bylaws defines the voting procedures for the Chapter Elections to the Executive Council.

The vote will therefore take place in a single round. 

We look forward to receiving your Statement of Interest.

Kindest regards,

Sébastien Bachollet
The ISOC UK England Elections (Nomination) Committee

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