Joint submission of response to OFCOM consultation on Child Safety

The UK Chapter of the Internet Society produced a Joint Submission with the Internet Society responding to the OFCOM Consultation: Protecting children from harms online

The response, filed on 17 July 2024, reiterates the points made in past submissions to UK consultations conducted by OFCOM but also in relation to the various legislation that went through Parliament in the first part of the year. In particular, the response reiterate that End-to-end encryption (“E2EE”) is needed to safeguard privacy of data including the safety of children.

It references several papers:

The Global Encryption Coalition’s paper: “Guide to Encryption”, published on 12 March 2024.

“Preemptive Monitoring in End-to-End Encrypted Services.” Internet Society, July 2024,

“Outside Looking in: Approaches to Content Moderation in End-to-End Encrypted Systems.” Center for Democracy and Technology, 21 June 2023,

“Safety Tech Challenge Fund.” REPHRAIN, Accessed 11 July 2024

The response can be read below – following the Q & A format which OFCOM asked responses to conform to.

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