Webinar: Connecting Rural Communities – enhancing broadband, skills & applications

Broadband can be even more transformative in rural than in urban areas – due to its ability to bypass physical distance. But the benefits from broadband (fixed or mobile) can only flow if there’s affordable access to good connectivity and skills are on hand to apply it.

Recent measures to combat Covid-19, compelling millions of people to stay at home, have underlined the importance of access to online services. But not everyone in rural communities is well placed to enjoy this online, lifeline support. How can we include everyone in the benefits and build structures that outlast the current emergency and help combat isolation that was evident before Covid-19’s arrival?

This session will be an exploration of how broadband is advancing in rural areas and the opportunities this creates for improving local economies and social connectivity. Fibre, 5G and Wireless are all part of the picture.

Join us for this exciting Webinar and discussion, led by Andrew Stirling who is the UK Chapter’s Candidate selected to follow the Internet Society’s Online Course: Building Wireless Community Networks

When: Thu, 16 April 2020, 17:00 – 18:00 BST

Slide deck can be downloaded:

Full transcript of the session:

This Webinar is organised in collaboration with The Digital Blacksmith.
The Digital Blacksmith (DB) is a community hub, designed to facilitate the application of digital technology for the local economy and society – seeding and supporting the development of digital skills, locally. The DB staff combine personal communication and digital skills, to help bridge the gap between technology/resources and local needs/opportunities.

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