Author name: cdel


Global Tech Outage Demonstrates Need for Resiliency in Software Systems

By Olaf Kolkman

Principal – Internet Technology, Policy, and Advocacy

Dan York

Director, Internet Technology

Today, 19 July, the world has been hit by a tech outage causing global economic and social disruption of the worst kind. Hospitals had to cancel operations, payment systems failed, government services stopped functioning, and newsrooms went dark.  

The root cause seems to be an automatic update of a cybersecurity product from CrowdStrike that crashed Microsoft Windows systems, leaving them in an inoperable state. The company has acknowledged this issue and is in the process of deploying a fix.  … Read more ...


Global Encryption Coalition statement

The Global Encryption Coalition has published a statement for Global Encryption day.

ISOC UK joins 200 organisations calling for policies and companies to protect and enhance encryption

The Statement

“Strong encryption is a critical technology that helps keep people, their information, and communications private and secure. It underpins online trust, protects members of vulnerable communities, and safeguards the data of governments, businesses, and citizens from criminals and other malicious actors.

However, some governments and organizations are pushing to weaken encryption, which would create a dangerous precedent that compromises the security and privacy of billions of people around the world.… Read more ...

Connected worldd
Blog, News, Policy

Defend the Internet, stop the Splinternet

The Internet is facing an unprecedented threat. As the war in Ukraine evolves, governments, businesses and other organizations are considering sanctions to thwart Russia’s invasion that would damage the global Internet. In the short term, people will lose access to a critical lifeline for safetyand accurate information. In the long term, actions that undermine the apolitical nature of the network would divide the Internet along geopolitical lines and irreversibly alter the Internet we know today. We cannot let the Internet become a pawn of geopolitics.… Read more ...


Internet Impact Brief

Internet Way of Networking 5 January 2022

Internet Impact Brief: End-to-end Encryption under the UK’s Draft Online Safety Bill


In May 2021 the UK published the draft Online Safety Bill (the “draft bill”) which seeks to set out a new regulatory framework to protect Internet users from illegal and harmful content. If implemented in its current form, this draft bill may negatively impact the Internet, pulling it away from its full potential as an open, globally connected, secure and trustworthy resource for all.… Read more ...


Statement from ISOC UK to support ISOC Brazil’s statement on the Draft Bill of Law,2630/2020 (PL 2630/2020)

The UK Internet Society a chapter of  the Internet Society is concerned by the proposed  legislation in the report
produced by Senator Angelo Coronel in Brazil to the Draft Bill of Law
2630/2020 (PL 2630/2020) and supports the statement of our fraternal
Internet Society chapter in Brazil ISOC Brasil.

Statement of ISOC Brazil

We hope that  Brazilian legislators and policy makers will continue
Brazil’s long standing support of multi stakeholder governance for the
Internet as a resource for Everyone.

The Internet Society UK Ltd
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