Author name: dmiloshevic


The Revised IPA 2016 Consultation Response

The UK government conducted a consultation on the Revised Investigatory Powers Act 2016 notices regime, which ran from June 5 until 31 July 2023.

The Internet Society and the Internet Society UK England Chapter are concerned by the proposed revisions to the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, because of the intrusive nature of new powers they would establish, and their impact on the digital economy, online trust, and fundamental rights. We maintain that the Investigatory Powers Act cannot be effectively evaluated in isolation from the Online Safety Bill, given that the latter also creates new obligations relating to the design, governance, and security of communication services.… Read more ...

Blog, Training

Chapter member Ben shares his perspective on the benefits of the ISOC Fundamentals training program to his local community

A member of the UK Chapter attended the ISOC Fundamentals training program on encryption. Here, he shares his experience and perspective on benefits of the ISOC fundamentals training program to the local community:

During April, I attended the Internet Society’s programme of ISOC Fundamentals webinars. Each touched on a different ongoing ISOC project, from establishing international traffic routing norms to educating users on the value of strong encryption. Inspired by this latter project, I set about organising a series of events for my local community.… Read more ...


On the Importance of Internet governance

Here is the blog post from one of our chapter chosen candidates, who attended the Internet Society (ISOC) 2020 online training, “Shaping the Internet”. Dr Leoni M. Tanzer writes what she has learnt and shares her thoughts bellow and here.

On the Importance of Internet Governance

Dr Leonie Maria Tanczer, Lecturer at UCL STEaPP, reflects on her experience having participated in Internet Society’s Next Generation Leaders (NGL) e-Learning programme and makes a case for why the governance of the Internet should matter to all of us.Read more ...


The UK IGF 2020 call for proposals is open

The date for the UK IGF 2020 meeting has been set for Sept 14th. The call for the issues is still open. As of today, it’s hard to predict the nature of the meeting itself, if it would be in person or a virtual one. Either way, please consider making your proposal for topics and speakers heard. Our chapter leadership team participates in the work of the UK IGF steering committee and we invite you to participate in the shaping of the event by sending your suggestions, concerns, ideas for the topics by filling in this form.Read more ...

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