ISOC UK England Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023

Please join us on 20 November 2023 for the Chapter’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023 which will take place as a hybrid meeting, both online and in person.

Remote participation online – there are two separate sessions that you need to register for:

Register for the pre-AGM Fireside Chat 17:00-17:45

Register for the ISOC UK AGM 2023 Zoom Meeting 18:00-20:00

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom links to join the meetings.

Also in person at the London School of Economics:

London School Of Economics, Silverstone Room, Department of Media and Communications – but in order to gain access you absolutely need to register. Important: Register here for in-person participation.

How to get there: The room is located on the 7th floor of Pethick-Lawrence House (PEL 7.01A), Clement’s Inn, London WC2R 1BH, United Kingdom. You should arrive and give your name to the receptionist. They will register you and advise you which lift to take to get to Silverstone Room (PEL 7.01A). We recommend you arrive 5min prior to the start of the event to avoid any delays in going through the reception. 

The precise location of Pethick-Lawrence House can be found in the London School of Economics Campus Map – marked as PEL.

Arriving from The Strand is usually quicker and easier but you can also arrive through the multiple streets that redirect you to the building.

In person participation will enable you to meet members of the Leadership Team and to network with other members of the Chapter. We’ll have Tea, Coffee, Sandwiches and Biscuits. After the AGM we are likely to go for a networking drink at the local Pub.

ISOC UK England AGM 2023 Draft Agenda

17:00-17:30 Pre-meeting Event: The Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and the World Summit on the Information Society +20 (WSIS+20)

Fireside chat between: Desiree Miloshevic, Matthew Shears and Nigel Hickson (UK DSIT), three UK experts who have been following the developments in these key UN Processes very closely.

  • State of play
  • Risks
  • Opportunities

There will be ample time to comment and ask questions during this session, which will be followed by a short break.

18:00-20:00 (120 minutes)

Part 1 – 18:00-18:45 – Internet Society UK Limited AGM

  1. Welcome, Roll Call, Introduction by the Chair (5 minutes)
    1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Internet Society UK Limited (40 minutes)
    1. Financials of ISOC UK England
    2. Confirmation of FY2022 Accounts filed
    3. Approval of FY2023 preliminary Accounts
    4. Appointment of Accountants

Part 2 – 18:45-20:00 – ISOC UK England AGM

  1. Chair’s Report of Chapter Activities since last AGM (10 minutes)
  2. Working Groups (15 minutes)
    1. Addition/Reduction/Renewal
      1. Policy list
      2. Universities list
      3. Open Trust list
  3. IPv6 Matrix update (10 minutes)
  4. Future Activities for 2024 (30 minutes)
  5. Any other Business (10 minutes)

See you there!

Documents relating to this meeting can be found below.

Some pictures from the meeting

Some pictures from the meeting
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