

Statement from ISOC UK to support ISOC Brazil’s statement on the Draft Bill of Law,2630/2020 (PL 2630/2020)

The UK Internet Society a chapter of  the Internet Society is concerned by the proposed  legislation in the report
produced by Senator Angelo Coronel in Brazil to the Draft Bill of Law
2630/2020 (PL 2630/2020) and supports the statement of our fraternal
Internet Society chapter in Brazil ISOC Brasil.

Statement of ISOC Brazil

We hope that  Brazilian legislators and policy makers will continue
Brazil’s long standing support of multi stakeholder governance for the
Internet as a resource for Everyone.

The Internet Society UK Ltd
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News, Policy

Submission to the #MyScienceInquiry The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

ISOC UK have submitted a note to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee which has been published on developing the issue of Trust in relation to framing legislation.


Today, policymakers must choose which path to take in developing Internet policies. One path leads to an open and trusted Internet with the social and economic benefits it brings. The other path leads to an untrusted and increasingly closed off network that fails to drive growth. One path leads to opportunity, the other to stagnation.… Read more ...

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