
News, Policy

Joint statement of scientists and NGOs on the EU’s proposed eIDAS reform

On 2 November 2023, the Internet Society UK Chapter has joined 500 cyber security experts, researchers and NGOs to sign an open letter sounding the alarm about the European Union’s proposed eIDAS reform.

After years of legislative process, the near-final text of the eIDAS regulation has been agreed by trialogue negotiators1 representing EU’s key bodies and will be presented to the public and parliament for a rubber stamp before the end of the year. New legislative articles, introduced in recent closed-door meetings and not yet public, envision that all web browsers distributed in Europe will be required to trust the certificate authorities and cryptographic keys selected by EU governments.… Read more ...


Response to Consultation on: Powers in relation to UK-related domain name registries

The Chapter has submitted a response to a DSIT (Department for Science, Innovation and Technology) Consultation on: Powers in relation to UK-related domain name registries.

Please find it below:

——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject:Response from the Internet Society UK Chapter to Consultation on: Powers in relation to UK-related domain name registries
Date:Thu, 31 Aug 2023 14:26:01 +0100
From:Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond <ocl@gih.com>
CC:Olivier Crépin-Leblond <ocl@isoc-e.org>

Dear Sir/Madam,

the UK Chapter of the Internet Society is hereby responding to the Consultation on the drafting of powers under the Digital Economy Act 2010.… Read more ...

Connected worldd
Blog, News, Policy

Defend the Internet, stop the Splinternet

The Internet is facing an unprecedented threat. As the war in Ukraine evolves, governments, businesses and other organizations are considering sanctions to thwart Russia’s invasion that would damage the global Internet. In the short term, people will lose access to a critical lifeline for safetyand accurate information. In the long term, actions that undermine the apolitical nature of the network would divide the Internet along geopolitical lines and irreversibly alter the Internet we know today. We cannot let the Internet become a pawn of geopolitics.… Read more ...


Internet Impact Brief

Internet Way of Networking 5 January 2022

Internet Impact Brief: End-to-end Encryption under the UK’s Draft Online Safety Bill


In May 2021 the UK published the draft Online Safety Bill (the “draft bill”) which seeks to set out a new regulatory framework to protect Internet users from illegal and harmful content. If implemented in its current form, this draft bill may negatively impact the Internet, pulling it away from its full potential as an open, globally connected, secure and trustworthy resource for all.… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy

ICANN69 Read-Out – watch recording

Key take-aways from the latest ICANN69 Virtual Annual General Meeting

Friday 20 November 2020 will see the first ICANN69 read-out session where key participants at ICANN’s recent virtual Annual General Meeting will be sharing their perspectives and understanding of the outcomes of that meeting. The UK Chapter of the Internet Society has partnered with the European At-Large Organisation (EURALO) and ICANN to provide you with this exclusive, condensed and exciting review of the three weeks of meetings in less than 90 minutes!… Read more ...

News, Policy

A Joint Call to World Leaders for a Secure and Trusted Digital Economy

ISOC UK has signed a call to world leaders attending the G7 summit to ensure the Internet can support a secure and trusted digital economy for everyone. Measures that undermine encryption weaken security for all.

You can see the letter and sign it at http://www.g7openletter.org

Endnotes: [1]Exceptional access, also referred to as “lawful access,” refers to providing law enforcement and intelligence agencies with access encrypted communications. [2]See:  Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications – and  Open Letter to GCHQ [3]  https://www.networkcomputing.com/network-security/encrypted-traffic-reaches-new-thresholdRead more ...
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