
Theresa May Home Secretary
News, Policy

Home Office push the IP Bill to avoid national debate

March 1st 2015 – Home Office is pushing ahead with the IP Bill without needed national debate

Despite three key Parliamentary committees demanding very significant changes to the draft IP Bill and calling for more time for a national debate can take place. The Home Office today published a largely identical draft Bill and a timetable that is clearly designed to stifle debate even within Parliament.

A number of participants in the Internet Society community are included in the signatories to a letter in The Telegraph today calling for a delay until 2017.

News, Policy

Two UK MPs challenge their own government in the High Court – and win.

Robin Wilton
Prague 18th July 2015 writes

Two MPs, David Davis (Conservative) and Tom Watson (Labour), with human rights advocacy group Liberty, have won a challenge in the High Court against the UK’s data retention law (DRIPA). The ruling finds against the UK law on several grounds, including incompatibility with the right to privacy, and a lack of clarity in the rules applying to access requests. Since the current rules allow a very wide range of public authorities to request communications data, and to do so without independent approval, there is a clear implication that the UK’s approach to data retention fails the proportionality test.… Read more ...

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