UK IGF 2012 meeting

Internet Society member number two Vint Cerf is headlining this year’s UK Internet Governance Forum .

The local Internet Society is partnering Nominet’s annual UK Internet Policy Forum which will be held on Thursday 22 March 2012 at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London . This provides an opportunity for the first meeting of the UK-IGF to prepare for the 2012 Internet Governance Forum.

This year’s Forum, chaired by Sarah Montague of the Today programme, will feature a range of speakers, panel debates and workshops on the theme of ‘Shaping the Development of the Internet’, generating thought-provoking debate to contribute to policy developments within .uk and globally.

Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google will deliver a keynote speech on ‘Preserving, evolving and expanding Internet access and utility in the 21st Century’.

The event is a sell out but it is worth registering for the waiting list.



If you would like any further information about this event, please email

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