UK Internet next ten years and ITRs

ISOC UK England and the English Chapter of the International Institute of Communications held a joint meeting on 30 October 2012 with several speakers, discussing WCIT issues. Speakers included:

– Markus Kummer, Vice-President Public Policy, Internet Society
– Dominique Lazanski, Tax Payers’ Alliance
– Malcolm Hutty, London Internet Exchange (LINX) and Chair, EuroISPA
– Desiree Miloshevic, Oxford Internet Institute, Industry researcher and Visiting Associate

– Jean-Jacques Sahel, UK Chapter of the IIC
– Olivier Crepin-Leblond, UK England Chapter of the Internet Society

Simon Towler, UK government representative who will lead the UK Delegation at WCIT in Dubai, was present and intervened from the floor. Many of the participants will be in the UK delegation.

There followed a long discussion with full engagement from the audience.

Snacks and drinks were served after over two hours of discussion touching on WCIT, the Internet Ecosystem, why some countries trust the ITU to do a better job than the current ecosystem and what happens after the Dubai conference.

According to feedback from participants, this was a real success and follow-up events will be organised.

Desiree Miloshevic’s presentation can be downloaded from here.

Also — the Internet scenarios of the future referred to during the discussion can be found on the ISOC Web site Future Scenarios.

We hope to see you in our next meeting which is likely to take place in early 2013. More information will be send on our mailing list when the time/date/subject is decided.

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