.uk Second Level Domain Registrations – two.

The English Chapter of the Internet Society (www.internetsociety.org.uk) thanks the members, board and staff of Nominet UK for the invitation to comment again on their important proposal for substantial changes to the management of the UK domain name system known as Second Level Domain Registration or direct.uk.

Nominet has issued a second proposal within a year on opening up
registrations directly under .uk. The ISOC UK England chapter responded in January recommending that direct .uk registrations should not proceed at this time.

.UK Feedback – SLD proposals

Our follow up Recommendation Summary

Although there are some welcome modifications to the original proposal round we responded to in January these are not sufficient to change the chapter’s recommendation NOT to proceed with direct registrations under .uk.

The proposal even where amended does not sufficiently define needs or present market information to make an informed decision. There is concern that the perspectives of key stakeholders has not been engaged in an authoritative way to establish this information. The impact on .uk registrants and users would therefore be speculative.

It is possible Nominet has been hindered by existing legislation or other issues which have not been explained. But the effect is key existing stakeholders in particular Registrants of .uk domains have not been engaged directly.

Consequently a decision to proceed with direct .uk domains cannot be seen as fully inclusive of all major stakeholders at this time.

The difficulties Nominet has faced in engaging all stakeholders is
noted. As has been Nominet’s outreach to its registered policy list and other communities. The chapter is open to assist where feasible .uk in efforts to widen consensus and encourage engagement by all .uk stakeholders.

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