
Events is the wrapper category for all Event related content


Webinar and Roundtable Invitation: understanding the UK Online Safety Bill

Understanding the UK Online Safety Bill

“The draft Online Safety Bill delivers the government’s manifesto commitment to make the UK the safest place in the world to be online while defending free expression.”

This draft legislation gives effect to the policy approach outlined in the February 2020 and December 2020 government responses.

The above Statement was posted on the UK Government Web site on 12 May 2021 – and the draft Bill is published there:

The Bill contains several proposals including some suggesting that Encryption should be weakened through various methods.… Read more ...

Events, Project

Webinar: Rebuilding and Enhancing Trust in Algorithms Policy

Webinar: Rebuilding and Enhancing Trust in Algorithms Policy

When: Jun 3, 2021 16:00 London

ISOC UK England invite you to a Webinar focussing on the presentation of the policy implications and recommendations based on the outcomes of the EPSRC funded ReEnTrust project. ReEnTrust was a collaboration of the Human Centred Computing Group at the University of Oxford, the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute (AIAI) at the University of Edinburgh, and the HORIZON Digital Economy Research at the University of Nottingham ReEnTrust: Rebuilding Trust in Online Algorithmic Systems.… Read more ...

Events, News

UK Chapter 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Please join us on 10 December 2020 for the Chapter’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). This year the AGM will take place online due to Pandemic restrictions.

Date and Time

Thursday 10 December 2020, 16:00 – 18:00 UTC 

Provisional Agenda:

16:00-18:00 (120 minutes)

Part 1 – 16:00-16:30 – Internet Society UK Limited

  1. Welcome, Roll Call, Introduction by the Chair (5 minutes)
    1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Internet Society UK Limited (25 minutes)
    1. Financials of ISOC UK England
    2. Confirmation of FY2019 Accounts filed
    3. Approval of FY2020 preliminary Accounts
    4. Approval of current company/society organisation
    5. Appointment of Accountants
    6. Elections Process

Part 2 – 16:30-18:00 – ISOC UK England

  1. Chair’s Report of Chapter Activities since last AGM (10 minutes)
  2. Working Groups (30 minutes)
    1. Addition/Reduction/Renewal
      1. Policy list
      2. Universities list
      3. Open Trust list
  3. Future Activities for 2021 (30 minutes)
  4. IPv6 Matrix update (10 minutes)
  5. Any other Business

Connection Details

Join Zoom Meeting online
Meeting ID: 814 7261 4846
Passcode: 12345
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+44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom
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Meeting ID: 814 7261 4846
Passcode: 12345
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Events, News, Policy

ICANN69 Read-Out – watch recording

Key take-aways from the latest ICANN69 Virtual Annual General Meeting

Friday 20 November 2020 will see the first ICANN69 read-out session where key participants at ICANN’s recent virtual Annual General Meeting will be sharing their perspectives and understanding of the outcomes of that meeting. The UK Chapter of the Internet Society has partnered with the European At-Large Organisation (EURALO) and ICANN to provide you with this exclusive, condensed and exciting review of the three weeks of meetings in less than 90 minutes!… Read more ...

Events, Policy

2020 European Chapters Workshop Recordings available

The Internet Society has conducted an online European Chapters meeting on 5-7 October 2020. Many ISOC UK England members participated in this online workshop and enjoyed their participation.

We also understand that many people were too busy to participate, as it took place during business hours, so we are happy to announce that all recordings and presentation slide decks of the meeting can now be accessed, as listed in the following

We encourage you to dowload the PDF file and to click through its links.… Read more ...

Events, Policy

Webinar: Internet Governance post Crisis – A new normal?

The year 2020 has seen a Pandemic affect the majority of the citizens in the world.

The COVID19 virus has spread from a single city to nearly every country around the planet, throwing our industrial and commercial way of life into a brand new territory. Confinement used to isolate and end the propagation of the virus has only been possible due to the extra-ordinary nature of the Internet in connecting people for work, leisure and communications. Traffic patterns changed dramatically due to teleworking and conference call participation, using email and IP based telecommunication services instead of physical office space.… Read more ...

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