

The return of the IPv6 Matrix

View of IPv6 Matrix Web Page

The IPv6 Matrix has been measuring the use of IPv6 in the world’s 1 Million most popular Web Sites since 2010. The project has collected over 500Gb of data relating to the spread of IPv6 worldwide. Its two servers (one crawler and one web server) were now 14 years old when, in 2020, it was time to replace them with modern technology. At the December 2019 IPv6 Council Annual General Meeting, the Chapter received a pledge from UK IPv6 hosting company Mythic Beasts to host the project on virtual machines free of charge, provided the migration was undertaken by the Chapter.… Read more ...

Blog, Training

Chapter member Ben shares his perspective on the benefits of the ISOC Fundamentals training program to his local community

A member of the UK Chapter attended the ISOC Fundamentals training program on encryption. Here, he shares his experience and perspective on benefits of the ISOC fundamentals training program to the local community:

During April, I attended the Internet Society’s programme of ISOC Fundamentals webinars. Each touched on a different ongoing ISOC project, from establishing international traffic routing norms to educating users on the value of strong encryption. Inspired by this latter project, I set about organising a series of events for my local community.… Read more ...

Events, Project

Webinar: Rebuilding and Enhancing Trust in Algorithms Policy

Webinar: Rebuilding and Enhancing Trust in Algorithms Policy

When: Jun 3, 2021 16:00 London

ISOC UK England invite you to a Webinar focussing on the presentation of the policy implications and recommendations based on the outcomes of the EPSRC funded ReEnTrust project. ReEnTrust was a collaboration of the Human Centred Computing Group at the University of Oxford, the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute (AIAI) at the University of Edinburgh, and the HORIZON Digital Economy Research at the University of Nottingham ReEnTrust: Rebuilding Trust in Online Algorithmic Systems.… Read more ...

Blog, Project, Training

Secure Global Routing Packet Spoofing and Mitigation Testbed

Dr. Peter Maynard’s project for the Internet Society “Secure Global Routing (MANRS)” Training Course has stood out in generating further potential for study. The code that he has developed is a mininet based testbed which can implement ICMP spoofing and mitigation methods.

In forthcoming months, the Chapter is likely to hold a Webinar explaining this testbed but in the meantime, you can read Dr. Maynard’s paper by downloading it below, and download the code and implement it, by going to its GitHub Repository.… Read more ...

Blog, Training

Hands-on descriptions of implementing IPv6, DNSSEC, HTTPS and other goodies on your Web server

Posted on

Reproduced with permission, from the original joint Blog posting by Dan Mygind and Karima Saimi on: as part of their deliverables for the course “Open Standards Everywhere”. The other deliverable is for the Internet Society UK Chapter Web site to benefit from a increasing in security score as shown below. This has been undertaken

The Internet Society has since 1992 worked to “promote the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world”, as it says in it’s mission.… Read more ...

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