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Events, News

UK Internet Governance Forum meeting


The UK Internet Governance Forum 2015
Tuesday 16 June | 09:00 – 17:00 (Arrival from 08:30)


Chatham House | 10 St James’s Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

The Agenda is here

The main page for the event including breakout sessions can be viewed at

UK IGF 2015 Sessions were recorded by the local ISOC chapter (with thanks to  volunteers Olivier Crepin-Leblond, 2020media and Joly MacFie )

Slides are available at


The ISOC UK England team please or if you want any further information about the UK IGF please contact… Read more ...

News, Policy

Internet Society Statement on the NETmundial Initiative

For full Release see Internet Society

Based on the information that we have to date, the Internet Society cannot agree to participate in or endorse the Coordination Council for the NETmundial Initiative. We are concerned that the way in which the NETmundial Initiative is being formed does not appear to be consistent with the Internet Society’s longstanding principles, including:

Bottom-up orientation

The Board has asked the Internet Society’s CEO, Kathryn Brown, to convene a dialogue within the Internet Society community.… Read more ...


ITU Plenipot underway – opens PP-14 documents to the public

Issues Matrix as itemised by ISOC for ITU can be downloaded in PDF format

Sally Wentworth of ISOC writes from Busan,

The Plenipot is just getting going and we’re still mostly in the ceremonial stage (plus lots of campaigning for elected positions).

One thing that did happen yesterday was that the ITU members agreed to make PP-14 documents available to the public. This means that you do not need a TIES password to access the input or output documents. We added document numbers to our matrix of proposals so hopefully that helps you identify where the main Internet issues live.… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy


The two-day NetMundial conference starts on Wednesday. Olivier Crepin-Leblond, & Desiree Miloshevic and several members are attending. Please make yourselves known to each other and post any comments or requests for input to our Policy list.

The agenda for the meeting can be found here and a draft outcome document can be viewed here. Comments can be provided (until tomorrow April 21st), and several organisations, such as ISOC, are submitting feedback. Much of the discussion is on high-level topics, such as principles and roadmaps for Internet Governance.… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy

“Parliament meets Internet. Surveillance, the digital economy & the Open Internet.”

The ISOC UK England chapter held a debate in Parliament on 4th March in the Grimond Room Portcullis House, Parliament

Three senior politicians Conservative, Labour and Liberal and renowned experts in Internet Standards, Technologies, Policy and Institutional development debated the need for oversight and new approaches to managing surveillance of the Intenet for the UK in the mother of Parliaments at Westminster.

For the video please see Parliament meets the Internet

a Firsthand event 

Events, News, Project

IPv6 Matrix new site previewed

Dr. Tim Chown previewed the chapter’s new website at the recent UKNOF meeting on 21st January in Manchester.

The video of his presentation
The slides
The full UKNOF agenda

The IPv6 Matrix project is linked here.

Full News Release below

The chapter unveiled the new IPv6 Matrix information resource for researchers to UK network operators at UKNOF27 in Manchester on 21st January.

Dr. Tim Chown of University of Southampton unveiled the new website to the UK network operators at the meeting.… Read more ...

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