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Events, News, Project

ISOC England event for World IPv6 Launch on 6 June 2012

Major Internet service providers (ISPs), home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world are coming together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services by 6 June 2012.

Organized by the Internet Society, and building on the successful one-day World IPv6 Day event held on 8 June 2011, World IPv6 Launch represents a major milestone in the global deployment of IPv6. As the successor to the current Internet Protocol, IPv4, IPv6 is critical to the Internet’s continued growth as a platform for innovation and economic development.… Read more ...

Events, News

Global INET

global inet 2012

Imagining the Future Internet

Join Vint Cerf, Leonard Kleinrock, Mitchell Baker, Lynn St. Amour and other key panelists on 22 – 24 April 2012 at Global INET 2012!

Meet hundreds of policy makers, technologists, government representatives and business executives to discuss the positive impacts of the Internet, past, present and future.
Take this opportunity to:
  • Work together on critical topics that will shape the future of the Internet
  • Network with industry leaders, Internet pioneers and futurists
  • Participate in interactive strategy discussions
  • Meet key Internet contributors as they are inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame

Spend two days with us in Geneva, the perfect location to celebrate 20 years of all the global efforts that have advanced the Internet.
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