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News, Policy

Joint ISOC & ISOC-E response to OFCOM UK Consultation on Net Neutrality

‘Net neutrality’, sometimes referred to as the ‘open internet’, is the principle that users of the internet (both consumers and those making and distributing content) should be in control of what they see and do online – not the broadband or mobile providers that connect people and businesses to the internet (otherwise known as internet service providers or ISPs). The net neutrality rules make sure that the traffic carried across broadband and mobile networks is treated equally and particular content or services are not prioritised or slowed down so that some are favoured over others.… Read more ...


ISOC UK England Elections – call for candidates to submit Statements of Interest (SOIs)

Dear ISOC UK England Colleagues,

On behalf of the ISOC UK England Elections (Nominating) Committee, it is my pleasure to announce that we will now start the process of election of Officers to four (4) seats on the Executive Council of the Internet Society UK England Chapter.

Together with the four seats held by the members of Internet Society UK Limited, these constitute the ISOC UK England Executive Council, a leadership team to continue supporting ISOC’s missions.

Following the bylaws, the Elections Committee (aka Nominating Committee) was appointed last week after a public call for volunteers and is made up of 3 ISOC UK England members, selected randomly from the pool of candidates that volunteered (using a public Randomizer at more ...


UK IGF 2022

The UK Internet Governance Forum is the national internet governance forum for the United Kingdom. It is a collaborative partnership that provides a local forum in the UK to engage industry, government, parliament, academia and civil society in debate on Internet Governance issues.

The UK Chapter of the Internet Society supports the UK IGF by taking part in its multistakeholder steering committee.

This year’s UK IGF features the following agenda:

09:00 Welcome and Opening
Paul Fletcher, Nominet

09:30 Ministerial Address
Lucy Powell MP

10:20 Online Safety
Damian Collins MP
Sharon Gaffka
Jon Higham, Ofcom
Parven Kaur, Kids N Clicks

11:20 BREAK

11:35 Digital Inequalities: The barriers facing young and old
Jess Barrett, Voicebox
Dr Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Royal Holloway, University of London
Sonia Livingstone, London School of Economics
Cliff Manning, Parent Zone
Sally West, Age UK

12:35 LUNCH

13:20 Keynote Speech
Yih-Choung Teh, Ofcom

13:55 Encryption
Stephen Bonner, Information Commissioner’s Office
Alec Muffett, ex-Facebook
Dan Sexton, Internet Watch Foundation

14:55 BREAK

15:10 Transparency and AI
Bridget Boakye, Tony Blair Institute
Dr Rumman Chowdhury, Twitter
Dr Evert Haasdljk, Deloitte
Stephen Metcalfe MP
Mariarosaria Taddeo, Oxford Internet Institute

Registrations for this year’s UK IGF meeting have now closed.… Read more ...

Connected worldd
Blog, News, Policy

Defend the Internet, stop the Splinternet

The Internet is facing an unprecedented threat. As the war in Ukraine evolves, governments, businesses and other organizations are considering sanctions to thwart Russia’s invasion that would damage the global Internet. In the short term, people will lose access to a critical lifeline for safetyand accurate information. In the long term, actions that undermine the apolitical nature of the network would divide the Internet along geopolitical lines and irreversibly alter the Internet we know today. We cannot let the Internet become a pawn of geopolitics.… Read more ...

News, Policy

Experts challenge Govt’s anti-encryption campaign

The UK Chapter of the Internet Society has joined more than 50 organisations to challenge the UK Government’s tactics to roll-out an Online Safety Bill that will ultimately lead to the weakening of encryption.

The full Statement and its signatories has been published on the Open Rights Group Web Site.

In addition to endorsing this Statement, the UK Chapter of the Internet Society is also seeking to facilitate dialogue to search for other methods to combat online harms. Several round-tables are currently in the works – more information will be available soon.

Events, News

ISOC UK England Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Please join us on 21 December 2021 for the Chapter’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). This year the AGM will take place online due to Pandemic restrictions.

Date and Time

Tuesday 21st December 2021, 16:00 – 18:00 UTC 

Provisional Agenda:

16:00-18:00 (120 minutes)

Part 1 – 16:00-16:45 – Internet Society UK Limited

  1. Welcome, Roll Call, Introduction by the Chair (5 minutes)
    1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Internet Society UK Limited (40 minutes)
    1. Financials of ISOC UK England
    2. Confirmation of FY2020 Accounts filed
    3. Approval of FY2021 preliminary Accounts
    4. Appointment of Accountants
    5. Elections Process

Part 2 – 16:45-18:00 – ISOC UK England

  1. Chair’s Report of Chapter Activities since last AGM (10 minutes)
  2. Working Groups (15 minutes)
    1. Addition/Reduction/Renewal
      1. Policy list
      2. Universities list
      3. Open Trust list
  3. Future Activities for 2022 (30 minutes)
  4. IPv6 Matrix update (10 minutes)
  5. Any other Business (10 minutes)

Connection Details


Time: Dec 21, 2021 16:00 Universal Time UTC
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