How do we build trust between engineers and politicians in securing the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Thursday 22 March 2018 at House of Lords, Westminster 14.30


The Internet of Things is transforming the way we communicate, relax and do business. But as the number of Internet-enabled devices surges, so do the challenges associated with keeping devices and networks secure. While technologists have been preparing for many years, legislators and policymakers from around the global, are in the midst of looking at certification, awareness raising and potentially legislation to ensure that the rise of IoT will not increase further the risks of cyber-attacks.

More widely, the Internet has become headline news, and legislative proposals that have a potential bearing on the technology are multiplying all over the world. In order to build an IoT that is safe but also make the most of the benefits that the technology can bring, with legislation that does not inadvertently impede the technical functioning and potential of the Internet, it is essential that legislators engage in direct dialogue with technologists, industry and other stakeholders.

As the leading standards body for the Internet, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) holds its 101st meeting in London, Baroness Neville-Jones, Chair of the DPA’s Cyber Group, the DPA and ISOC England invite you to join them at the House of Lords for a panel discussion.

Panellists (confirmed): Baroness Neville-Jones; Alissa Cooper (Chair, Internet Engineering Task Force); Ted Hardie (Chair, Internet Architecture Board); Olaf Kolkman (Chief Internet Technology Officer, Internet Society) and David Conrad (CTO, ICANN). The panel will be chaired by Desiree Miloshevic (ISOC).

Please note:  This event is FULLY BOOKED. A report will be made shortly afterwards


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