
Events, News, Policy

How do we build trust between engineers and politicians in securing the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Thursday 22 March 2018 at House of Lords, Westminster 14.30


The Internet of Things is transforming the way we communicate, relax and do business. But as the number of Internet-enabled devices surges, so do the challenges associated with keeping devices and networks secure. While technologists have been preparing for many years, legislators and policymakers from around the global, are in the midst of looking at certification, awareness raising and potentially legislation to ensure that the rise of IoT will not increase further the risks of cyber-attacks.

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Events, News

Chatham House Panel Discussion: Do We Still Trust the Internet?

Over the past few years, there has been a clear shift towards greater ‘securitization’ of the Internet, where security is less about personal data integrity and network resilience, and more about national security and political control. This is evident through the practice of Internet shutdowns, data localization policies, attacks on the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance and encryption backdoors.

At this event, held in partnership with Chatham House, participants discussed the trend towards ‘securitization’, its implications and how to strengthen trust in the Internet.… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy

Fake News: annoying symptom or life-threatening disease? Location: The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists 39a Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7JN

The UK Chapter of the Internet Society and Cloudflare, Inc. invite you
to the forthcoming Event:

Fake News: annoying symptom or life-threatening disease?
Location: The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists
39a Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7JN

Date: Thursday 13 July 2017
Time: doors open at 17:30 for an 18:00 start

Fake news has been a buzzword since the US election provoked a debate at
presidential level. But fake news are neither new, nor are they
geographically constrained to the United States.… Read more ...

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