
News, Policy

Joint ISOC & ISOC-E response to OFCOM UK Consultation on Net Neutrality

‘Net neutrality’, sometimes referred to as the ‘open internet’, is the principle that users of the internet (both consumers and those making and distributing content) should be in control of what they see and do online – not the broadband or mobile providers that connect people and businesses to the internet (otherwise known as internet service providers or ISPs). The net neutrality rules make sure that the traffic carried across broadband and mobile networks is treated equally and particular content or services are not prioritised or slowed down so that some are favoured over others.… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy

The Internet’s next ten year’s: needs, opportunities and governance

The Internet’s next ten years: needs, opportunities and governance
Joint Internet Society England and International Institute of Communications

UK Chapter Event

The Internet’s next ten year’s: needs, opportunities and governance

Hosted by Cisco, Park House, 7th Floor, 16-18 Finsbury Square, London, EC2M 7EB

Tuesday 30 October 2012, 17:00
Registration closes on Friday 26 October 2012

More than 2 billion people are now connected to the Internet, and the progression of mobile connections should accelerate the trend. Yet, there are questions. Investment in ‘next generation’ Internet access infrastructure is not guaranteed, either in advanced or in developing economies.… Read more ...


BEREC presentation

Frederic Donck Director of European Bureau writes

As you know it, ISOC is engaging many key stakeholders in the Net Neutrality dossier. In Europe, we have built robust relationships with key policymakers as the European Commission (incl. Mrs Kroes Cabinet), the European Parliament and the EIF, to name but a few.
I am happy to share with you some successful engagement with another key actor in this dossier, that is the European Body of National Regulators (aka BEREC) which is to play a critical role as the BEREC mission is to set common guidelines in this field for regulators in the European Union.… Read more ...

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