Author name: ocl


The return of the IPv6 Matrix

View of IPv6 Matrix Web Page

The IPv6 Matrix has been measuring the use of IPv6 in the world’s 1 Million most popular Web Sites since 2010. The project has collected over 500Gb of data relating to the spread of IPv6 worldwide. Its two servers (one crawler and one web server) were now 14 years old when, in 2020, it was time to replace them with modern technology. At the December 2019 IPv6 Council Annual General Meeting, the Chapter received a pledge from UK IPv6 hosting company Mythic Beasts to host the project on virtual machines free of charge, provided the migration was undertaken by the Chapter.… Read more ...

News, Policy

Experts challenge Govt’s anti-encryption campaign

The UK Chapter of the Internet Society has joined more than 50 organisations to challenge the UK Government’s tactics to roll-out an Online Safety Bill that will ultimately lead to the weakening of encryption.

The full Statement and its signatories has been published on the Open Rights Group Web Site.

In addition to endorsing this Statement, the UK Chapter of the Internet Society is also seeking to facilitate dialogue to search for other methods to combat online harms. Several round-tables are currently in the works – more information will be available soon.

Events, News

ISOC UK England Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Please join us on 21 December 2021 for the Chapter’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). This year the AGM will take place online due to Pandemic restrictions.

Date and Time

Tuesday 21st December 2021, 16:00 – 18:00 UTC 

Provisional Agenda:

16:00-18:00 (120 minutes)

Part 1 – 16:00-16:45 – Internet Society UK Limited

  1. Welcome, Roll Call, Introduction by the Chair (5 minutes)
    1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Internet Society UK Limited (40 minutes)
    1. Financials of ISOC UK England
    2. Confirmation of FY2020 Accounts filed
    3. Approval of FY2021 preliminary Accounts
    4. Appointment of Accountants
    5. Elections Process

Part 2 – 16:45-18:00 – ISOC UK England

  1. Chair’s Report of Chapter Activities since last AGM (10 minutes)
  2. Working Groups (15 minutes)
    1. Addition/Reduction/Renewal
      1. Policy list
      2. Universities list
      3. Open Trust list
  3. Future Activities for 2022 (30 minutes)
  4. IPv6 Matrix update (10 minutes)
  5. Any other Business (10 minutes)

Connection Details


Time: Dec 21, 2021 16:00 Universal Time UTC
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Events, Policy

.UK Internet Governance Forum Overview

in collaboration with Nominet

.UK Registry Nominet is organising a one hour Webinar “.UK Internet Governance Forum Overview” at 13:00-14:00 BST on 30th September 2021 and ISOC UK has partnered with long time IGF experts to answer the questions you might have about the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and the UK IGF.

  1. Introduction — Olivier Crépin-Leblond, ISOC UK England Chair
  2. A primer on IG, setting the stage, — Louise Marie Hurel, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics
  3. Story of the  IGFs (why, when, purpose etc.)
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Events, News

Webcast of Lord Renwick Memorial Lecture with Vint Cerf is now available

If you have missed the Inaugural Lord Renwick Memorial Lecture, which will took place online on Thursday 9th September 2021, you can watch its recording here, thanks to the ISOC Live service.

The Digital Policy Alliance (DPA) welcomed guest speaker Vint Cerf, the American Internet pioneer recognised as “one of the fathers of the Internet”.

Wrestling with Alligators: Delivering on the Digital Promise

The benefits of digital technology have been broadly demonstrated and acknowledged but the same benefit of lowering barriers to access to digital technology, the Internet and the World Wide Web have enabled harmful behaviours ranging from individuals to nation states.

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Events, Policy

The threat to DNS ( Pan-national Infrastructure) a joint BCS/ISOC Panel

The BCS (British Computer Society – The Chartered Institute for IT) and the UK Chapter of the Internet Society organised a joint meeting discussing the threat to DNS. This roundtable included Bill Woodcock, Executive Director of the Packet Clearing House (PCH) and Dr. Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the UK Chapter of the Internet Society. Together we discussed the multiple threats to the DNS – whether technical and political – in an open discussion with participants. Olivier focussed on activities that ICANN is undertaking and in particular from the At-Large perspective of end users at ICANN and Bill was able to share real world examples of challenges to the DNS that he had encountered.… Read more ...

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