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News, Policy

Quis custodiet custodiam… Who’s protecting data protection?

In response to the European Commission and Parliament review of a new draft Data Protection Regulation Christine Runnegar and Robin Wilton of ISOC policy team propose the focus needs to shift to data outcomes for users rather than solely on tick box controls of data elements.

“The European Commission and Parliament are currently in the process of reviewing and amending drafts of a new Data Protection Regulation. This note suggests three compelling reasons why the Regulation should be kept strong, and some specific areas in which amendments are ill advised and should be rejected.”… Read more ...


Internet Society is globally engaged.

ISOC’s development continues apace. Sometimes members can forget to explain what ISOC does and where it operates. The Internet Society is well known as the organisational home of open Internet Standards the IETF . This activity remains a core responsibility.

What is less well known is that ISOC has over the last few years become a major contributor to high-level discussions on Internet governance, digital content, privacy, and many other issues. The Society promotes, influences, and shapes discussions through participation in international fora such as IGF, WIPO, OECD, Council of Europe, the UN WSIS Forum, World Economic Forum and ITU, to name a few.… Read more ...

News, Policy

ISOC UK England urges Nominet not proceed with its direct .uk proposal.

The English chapter of the Internet Society urges caution regarding the proposals. In the absence of consensus for direct .uk and in view of the risk to stability of uk domain name system the conclusion is NOT to implement direct .uk plans to shorten domains as proposed.

Should the proposed security mechanisms be justified they could just as easily be provided under a new or existing SLD such as or which are both low volume and limited community managed zones.This… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy

UK Internet next ten years and ITRs

ISOC UK England and the English Chapter of the International Institute of Communications held a joint meeting on 30 October 2012 with several speakers, discussing WCIT issues. Speakers included:

– Markus Kummer, Vice-President Public Policy, Internet Society
– Dominique Lazanski, Tax Payers’ Alliance
– Malcolm Hutty, London Internet Exchange (LINX) and Chair, EuroISPA
– Desiree Miloshevic, Oxford Internet Institute, Industry researcher and Visiting Associate

– Jean-Jacques Sahel, UK Chapter of the IIC
– Olivier Crepin-Leblond, UK England Chapter of the Internet Society

Simon Towler, UK government representative who will lead the UK Delegation at WCIT in Dubai, was present and intervened from the floor.… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy

The Internet’s next ten year’s: needs, opportunities and governance

The Internet’s next ten years: needs, opportunities and governance
Joint Internet Society England and International Institute of Communications

UK Chapter Event

The Internet’s next ten year’s: needs, opportunities and governance

Hosted by Cisco, Park House, 7th Floor, 16-18 Finsbury Square, London, EC2M 7EB

Tuesday 30 October 2012, 17:00
Registration closes on Friday 26 October 2012

More than 2 billion people are now connected to the Internet, and the progression of mobile connections should accelerate the trend. Yet, there are questions. Investment in ‘next generation’ Internet access infrastructure is not guaranteed, either in advanced or in developing economies.… Read more ...


August 2012 results for IPv6 Matrix project

The Internet Society chapter in the UK (ISOC England) has been awarded a community grants award in November 2009 to design and implement an “IPv6 crawler”, a software that would crawl through the DNS at regular intervals in order to detect and test the following:

  • IPv6 DNS servers
  • IPv6 compliant web servers
  • IPv6 compliant SMTP servers
  • IPv6 compliant NTP servers

The software has been running on ISOC England owned hardware in Telehouse North, London Docklands, hosted on 2020Media’s sponsored rack, since Summer 2010 and more than 160Gb of data has been collected so far – and the tracking is ongoing.… Read more ...

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