Events, News, Policy


The two-day NetMundial conference starts on Wednesday. Olivier Crepin-Leblond, & Desiree Miloshevic and several members are attending. Please make yourselves known to each other and post any comments or requests for input to our Policy list.

The agenda for the meeting can be found here and a draft outcome document can be viewed here. Comments can be provided (until tomorrow April 21st), and several organisations, such as ISOC, are submitting feedback. Much of the discussion is on high-level topics, such as principles and roadmaps for Internet Governance.… Read more ...

Events, News, Policy

“Parliament meets Internet. Surveillance, the digital economy & the Open Internet.”

The ISOC UK England chapter held a debate in Parliament on 4th March in the Grimond Room Portcullis House, Parliament

Three senior politicians Conservative, Labour and Liberal and renowned experts in Internet Standards, Technologies, Policy and Institutional development debated the need for oversight and new approaches to managing surveillance of the Intenet for the UK in the mother of Parliaments at Westminster.

For the video please see Parliament meets the Internet

a Firsthand event 

Events, News, Project

IPv6 Matrix new site previewed

Dr. Tim Chown previewed the chapter’s new website at the recent UKNOF meeting on 21st January in Manchester.

The video of his presentation
The slides
The full UKNOF agenda

The IPv6 Matrix project is linked here.

Full News Release below

The chapter unveiled the new IPv6 Matrix information resource for researchers to UK network operators at UKNOF27 in Manchester on 21st January.

Dr. Tim Chown of University of Southampton unveiled the new website to the UK network operators at the meeting.… Read more ...

News, Policy

.uk Second Level Domain Registrations – two.

The English Chapter of the Internet Society ( thanks the members, board and staff of Nominet UK for the invitation to comment again on their important proposal for substantial changes to the management of the UK domain name system known as Second Level Domain Registration or

Nominet has issued a second proposal within a year on opening up
registrations directly under .uk. The ISOC UK England chapter responded in January recommending that direct .uk registrations should not proceed at this time.… Read more ...


UK Internet Governance Forum to meet 10th September London

Registration is now open for the 2013 UK Internet Governance Forum. It is to be held in London on Tuesday 10th September.

Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, Ed Vaizey MP is already confirmed as a keynote speaker. Other leading commentators from politics, academia, civil society and industry will also contribute to the debate and help to influence the next global Internet Governance Forum. The Childnet IGF Youth delegation will also bring the views of younger users to the discussions.… Read more ...

News, Policy

Quis custodiet custodiam… Who’s protecting data protection?

In response to the European Commission and Parliament review of a new draft Data Protection Regulation Christine Runnegar and Robin Wilton of ISOC policy team propose the focus needs to shift to data outcomes for users rather than solely on tick box controls of data elements.

“The European Commission and Parliament are currently in the process of reviewing and amending drafts of a new Data Protection Regulation. This note suggests three compelling reasons why the Regulation should be kept strong, and some specific areas in which amendments are ill advised and should be rejected.”… Read more ...

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