

The return of the IPv6 Matrix

View of IPv6 Matrix Web Page

The IPv6 Matrix has been measuring the use of IPv6 in the world’s 1 Million most popular Web Sites since 2010. The project has collected over 500Gb of data relating to the spread of IPv6 worldwide. Its two servers (one crawler and one web server) were now 14 years old when, in 2020, it was time to replace them with modern technology. At the December 2019 IPv6 Council Annual General Meeting, the Chapter received a pledge from UK IPv6 hosting company Mythic Beasts to host the project on virtual machines free of charge, provided the migration was undertaken by the Chapter.… Read more ...

Blog, Training

Hands-on descriptions of implementing IPv6, DNSSEC, HTTPS and other goodies on your Web server

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Reproduced with permission, from the original joint Blog posting by Dan Mygind and Karima Saimi on: https://writeit.dk/?p=823 as part of their deliverables for the course “Open Standards Everywhere”. The other deliverable is for the Internet Society UK Chapter Web site to benefit from a increasing in security score as shown below. This has been undertaken

The Internet Society has since 1992 worked to “promote the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world”, as it says in it’s mission.… Read more ...

Events, News, Project

ISOC England event for World IPv6 Launch on 6 June 2012

Major Internet service providers (ISPs), home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world are coming together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services by 6 June 2012.

Organized by the Internet Society, and building on the successful one-day World IPv6 Day event held on 8 June 2011, World IPv6 Launch represents a major milestone in the global deployment of IPv6. As the successor to the current Internet Protocol, IPv4, IPv6 is critical to the Internet’s continued growth as a platform for innovation and economic development.… Read more ...

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