Author name: ocl

Events, Project

Webinar: Connecting Rural Communities – enhancing broadband, skills & applications

Broadband can be even more transformative in rural than in urban areas – due to its ability to bypass physical distance. But the benefits from broadband (fixed or mobile) can only flow if there’s affordable access to good connectivity and skills are on hand to apply it.

Recent measures to combat Covid-19, compelling millions of people to stay at home, have underlined the importance of access to online services. But not everyone in rural communities is well placed to enjoy this online, lifeline support.… Read more ...

News, Policy

Government response to the Regulatory proposals for consumer Internet of Things (IoT) security consultation

In June 2019, the Chapter submitted comments to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) consultation on Regulatory proposals for Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) security. These comments can be found here.

After months of work, the Government has now published its analysis of responses received and drawn its conclusions.

The full report of findings has been published on the DCMS Web Site.

The UK Chapter will continue engaging with DCMS, based on the “next steps” outlined in the document.… Read more ...

Events, Policy

Internet Consolidation: What Lies Beneath the Application Layer?

10 December 2019 – 6:00pm to 7:15pm

Chatham House, London

Today more than ever we’re hearing about the dominance of big tech and how it is shaping the political landscape and markets in the UK and around the world.

But how is this consolidation impacting the very architecture of the Internet itself?

The Internet Society, in partnership with Chatham House, would  like to uncover the answer. 

On Tuesday 10 December 2019, you are invited to take part in a special Chatham House event that looks at consolidation throughout the Internet’s technology stack.… Read more ...


WEBINAR: “Gender and IoT”: The Implications of smart technologies on victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse

Recording now available (27 October 2019)

Date/Time: Monday 21st October 2019, 18:00 BST
Spread the word to your friends and colleagues!

In recent years, forms of online harassment and sexual abuse facilitated through information and communication technologies emerged. These ICT-supported assaults range from cyberstalking to online behavioural control. While many efforts to tackle technology-facilitated abuse (“tech abuse”) are concerned with ‘conventional’ cyber risks such as abuses on social media platforms and restrictions to devices such as laptops and phones, emerging “Internet of Things” (IoT) technologies such as ‘smart’ meters, locks, and cameras expand domestic violence victim’s risk trajectories further.… Read more ...

Events, News

UK Chapter 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Please join us after the UK IGF on 24th October for our Chapter’s Annual General Meeting where you’ll be able to meet with the Chapter’s Leadership Team as well as staff members of the Internet Society.

Date and Time

Thu, October 24, 2019
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM BST
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Cavendish Venues
22 Duchess Mews
United Kingdom

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Provisional Agenda:

1. Welcome and Introduction by the Chair
2. Review of the Chair’s Report on past activities
3.… Read more ...

News, Policy

ISOC UK England Chapter signs CDT Letter to Facebook on end to end encryption

Dear Colleagues,

I am hereby letting you know that last week I have on signed an open letter to Facebook coordinated by CDT, the Centre for Democracy & Technology, on behalf of our Chapter, on end-to-end encryption.
The open letter calls for strong security for massive platforms like those that Facebook controls. This comes in response to the news that the governments of the UK, US, and Australia are urging Facebook to stop pursuing their roll out of end-to-end security across the platform.… Read more ...

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