Events, News

Global INET

global inet 2012

Imagining the Future Internet

Join Vint Cerf, Leonard Kleinrock, Mitchell Baker, Lynn St. Amour and other key panelists on 22 – 24 April 2012 at Global INET 2012!

Meet hundreds of policy makers, technologists, government representatives and business executives to discuss the positive impacts of the Internet, past, present and future.
Take this opportunity to:
  • Work together on critical topics that will shape the future of the Internet
  • Network with industry leaders, Internet pioneers and futurists
  • Participate in interactive strategy discussions
  • Meet key Internet contributors as they are inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame

Spend two days with us in Geneva, the perfect location to celebrate 20 years of all the global efforts that have advanced the Internet.
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UK IGF 2012 meeting

Internet Society member number two Vint Cerf is headlining this year’s UK Internet Governance Forum .

The local Internet Society is partnering Nominet’s annual UK Internet Policy Forum which will be held on Thursday 22 March 2012 at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London . This provides an opportunity for the first meeting of the UK-IGF to prepare for the 2012 Internet Governance Forum.

This year’s Forum, chaired by Sarah Montague of the Today programme, will feature a range of speakers, panel debates and workshops on the theme of ‘Shaping the Development of the Internet’, generating thought-provoking debate to contribute to policy developments within .uk… Read more ...


BEREC presentation

Frederic Donck Director of European Bureau writes

As you know it, ISOC is engaging many key stakeholders in the Net Neutrality dossier. In Europe, we have built robust relationships with key policymakers as the European Commission (incl. Mrs Kroes Cabinet), the European Parliament and the EIF, to name but a few.
I am happy to share with you some successful engagement with another key actor in this dossier, that is the European Body of National Regulators (aka BEREC) which is to play a critical role as the BEREC mission is to set common guidelines in this field for regulators in the European Union.… Read more ...


A new site for the chapter is in the works

ISOC England is testing a new website this weekend. The need is to broaden access to provide information, reports and papers relevant to the rapidly evolving and growing sphere of the Internet in the UK.

The site is being prototyped in WordPress 3.3.1 the latests and greatest iteration of that Open Source CMS/Blogging tool by FirstHand Media. The ISOC UK sites are also hosted by FirstHand.

ISOC England is dual stack IPv4 and IPv6.



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